HomeSocial MediaNegative Effects of Social Media

Negative Effects of Social Media

Out of 4.5 billion internet users in the entire world, almost 3.75 are active social media users. What is the fact behind such a huge following on social media platforms? And is it going to be flooded more with our upcoming generations? Well, it is not a bad thing if, nowadays, everything has just become digitized. However, everything in this universe has some downsides besides the good ones. Are you curious to know what the negative effects of social media can be? Chillax’ we will find it out in today’s blog! Stay tuned.

Below is a list of social media’s eight most common harmful effects on our lives. Also, note that these are not the only factors that negatively influence our lives,’ and the list may keep updating as technology innovates.  

Top 8 Negative Effects of Social Media:

1. Loss of Proper Sleep:

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All those who are badly addicted to social media can relate to this factor! I will even include myself in this category. Also, the number of social media platforms you join is directly related to the time you dedicate to your accounts. This results in a considerable amount of loss in your sleep timings, hence affecting your health directly. 

You might probably be aware of the fact that if you sleep less than 6-7 hours daily, this might end up destroying your immune system in the long run. Hence making you prone to many diseases. This is one of social media’s most prominent effects on you!

2. The Flow of False Information:

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Do you need to make something famous? Put it on social media and digitally market it. Your product is going to get recognized in a day! Because that is how this platform works. Though this can be called one of the positive effects of social media, ‘but on the contrary, false and untrue information can also spread like fire on social media platforms. 

Unauthentic medical sites lead you to a greater health risk. Many such websites are now banned by Google, delivering false and unverified medical solutions to users. However, spam and rumors containing data still exist. And this can cause significant damage to actual human life. 

3. Inefficient Time Management:

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For all the working people, particularly students, can you tell me how many hours daily you spend on the internet using your social media accounts? Probably around 5-6? Or maybe even more than that?

Apart from the health, mental, and other risks,’ the most significant damage that unnecessary use of social media is doing to us is the wastage of time. And remember that time, once gone, can NEVER be obtained back!! 

4. Effects of social media on Mental Health:

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Medical professionals reported that people who use Facebook and Twitter a lot relatively have higher stress issues than those who use other platforms. This is because two of the most popular social media platforms, where news spreads quickly, whether excellent or abusive, are Facebook and Twitter.

Well, I would say spending too much time and devoting much of your attention to social media might have negative effects that influence your mind and mental health. 

Also, this may affect your overall work productivity since you cannot work correctly when your mind is not relaxed! 

5. Online Bullying; A Curse Indeed:

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Nowadays, many youngsters end up taking their lives because of Cyberbullying and its after-effects. This is one of social media’s most dangerous adverse effects on us. Not only young people but also adults are contributing to this cause.

Unpleasant content, aggressive comments, and foul language that may destroy a person’s self-esteem have become very common on social media. We need to take note of this practice and help prevent it from growing in our society to eliminate this harm from growing and better use our social media accounts. 

Cyberbullying is now becoming a serious concern as the new prodigal apps like Clubhouse are failing to put forward an efficient blocking or reporting feature for users.

6. Online Shopping Frauds:

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As almost everything is becoming tech-facilitated today, online shopping has become the day’s need. Social media platforms provide many opportunities to quickly make up an essential cart and purchase the necessary things.

However, one of the adverse effects of social media arises as fraud during online shopping becomes common. You often do not get the product you ordered and waste your money. This is more common with newly established low-end online companies. 

To save yourself from such traps, research all the available authentic shopping sites on social media platforms. If unsure, check out the reviews of the products customers have purchased from the sites. Because this might help you make a better decision to save yourself from online fraud. 

7. Leading to Anxiety and Depression:

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Apart from severe mental illness, people also report having mild symptoms of depression and anxiety from excessive social media use. A peek into celebrities’ lifestyles ignites insecurities in users’ hearts and minds.

Such acts lead to depression, which is more common among younger people. According to a recent research study report, about three-fourths of the people studying in a department had minor or major symptoms of depression. And almost all of them were super active on their social media accounts, spending a minimum of 8 hours daily using it. 

8. Increase In Suicidal Rates:

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Suicides? Well, the answer is very simple! When you can not appreciate yourself or your life anymore, you tend to finish it up by choosing the most unpleasant option of suicide! But what makes people disregard themselves and not appreciate them? Are humans, not selfish beings? Does he not love himself?

SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE is the root of all such acts a person does to himself. Destruction of self-love and turning hard on oneself is because of others’ acts and lifestyle upon a person. Instead of becoming responsible citizens who could protect their nation and the communities, we finish ourselves and hurt our loved ones! SUCH A PITY!


These eight may not be all of social media’s effects on us, but they are the most prominent ones. I will say that I do not think we can not eliminate these harmful effects of social media. If we can answer basic questions such as ‘why is social media bad for mental health?’

OR ‘Why do people suicide due to social media?’, we can indeed find a solution together. If united as one force, we can flush off all these adverse effects of social media. We can move towards a happy and healthy digitized lifestyle! All you need is commitment and responsibility! Let’s do it! XX

Kamal Salar
Kamal Salar
Kamal is an SEO strategist with a keen interest in technology. He runs a tech firm that specializes in providing information regarding the latest tech news, of which he sees Social Media and SEO content to completion himself.

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