What is an online event? Quite simply, it’s an event that people can view on an internet-connected laptop or mobile device. Hence, the differences between an online event and one held in person — are not as stark as you might initially assume.
Nonetheless, if you are about to host an online event, you might remain unsure how to positively distinguish it from other virtual occasions vying for people’s attention. It would bode well if you take the following steps…
Give Yourself Abundant Time to Draw in Attendees:
You can’t expect to be able to promote your event in an eye-catching way if you leave yourself insufficient time to do so. This is why Growth Business advises that you should ideally “allow at least three weeks,” — during which time you can also put together your presentation content.
Your social channels would be promising avenues for marketing the upcoming event, while any speakers booked for it could, on your request, mention the event on their social channels.
Choose the Right Online Event Platform:
The ‘right’ platform will depend, at least to some extent, on what form you want the event to take — including its content and scale.
One crucial question is whether you will hold the event live or instead prerecord it in a way that will make the proceedings look as though they are live when the recording is eventually played.
In the former instance, it would be recommended for you to opt for something like a live webcast platform rather than attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole, so to speak.
Rehearse and Test the Event:
The rehearsal process can simply occur in a meeting room at your company’s office building. While it might not be practically possible for you to rehearse every single aspect of the event this way, you can at least look out for ways of streamlining your presentation.
Before the event begins appropriately, it would also be wise to test the tech you know you will use for it. However, what if you will need to book an external venue?
Source a Suitable Venue:
Eventstant advises that you book “a professional green screen studio, or virtual studio, to record the entire event.” This is because the venue “will have things on sites, such as sound, lighting, cameras, prompt, PowerPoint, video record and experienced crew.”
Getting into this position will also enable you to test lighting, audio gear, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment and tech.
Discern Creative Techniques for Engaging Your Audience:
One major downside of an online event compared to an in-person occasion is that the former can be abandoned much more quickly. After all, potential distractions abound for someone watching from their own home.
Therefore, this risk puts the onus on you regularly invite a degree of audience participation during the event. You could, for example, start a poll from time to time and wrap things up with a live Q&A session.
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