Data governance is managing your organization’s data assets — from collection to use and distribution. It is an essential part of any successful business and a key component in protecting the data against outside threats. To ensure that your data governance framework is practical, you must create policies, procedures, and roles for your team. Here’s what you need to know, so read on to learn more about developing these aspects of your Data Governance Framework.
What Are Policies And Procedures?
Policies are the rules that guide an organization’s data governance. They set out how an organization will collect, use, and distribute data. Policies are often written down and distributed to all staff so that everyone understands their obligations. It’s also important to make sure policies are regularly reviewed and updated as needed.
Procedures provide more detail about how the policy will be implemented in certain situations. They outline what actions must be taken when a rule is broken, or something goes wrong. It’s essential to ensure procedures are followed correctly and consistently so data governance is successful.
What Are The Roles?
Roles identify who in the organization will be responsible for carrying out particular tasks related to data governance. They specify what each person or team should do and their level of authority. It’s vital to ensure that roles are well-defined and communicated so that everyone knows who is in charge of what.
For example, assign a data governance lead to oversee the framework and ensure compliance. You might also assign roles such as data stewards who help ensure that data is accurate, secure, and compliant with regulations or data analysts who use their expertise to identify patterns in your data.
How To Develop Your Policies, Procedures, and Roles
The key to developing effective policies, procedures, and roles is thinking carefully about how your organization manages its data. Consider the risks that could arise from mishandling or misusing data — such as a data breach or non-compliance with regulations — and use this information to create policies that protect you from those risks.
You should also ensure that the policies and procedures you develop are easy to understand and follow. If your organization is large, involving multiple teams or departments in developing them might be helpful so that everyone can provide valuable input. Additionally, consider who will need to use the data governance framework — such as IT teams, legal teams, or external vendors — so that you can create roles that meet everyone’s needs.
The Best Practice
Once you have developed your data governance framework, ensuring everyone knows the policies, procedures, and roles is essential. Ensure all staff understands their responsibilities for adhering to data governance rules. Additionally, involve external vendors and partners by providing them with the relevant policies, procedures, and roles.
Regularly reviewing your data governance framework is vital to ensure it is up-to-date and reflects any changes in managing data. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page regarding managing and protecting your organization’s data.
Finally, it’s crucial to have a straightforward process for monitoring and enforcing data governance rules. You should have a plan in place for dealing with any violations or breaches of data governance that may occur. This will help ensure your organization’s data remains secure and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
Final Thoughts
By following these best practices, you can ensure your data governance framework is successful. This will help protect your organization’s data and maintain its compliance with all relevant regulations. With a strong foundation of policies, procedures, and roles, you can confidently manage your organization’s data safely and securely.